Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Apt

Okay. So here are some pictures of our apt. Yes, it is mundane. But ya see how we live.

It is really a large apt for teachers here in Korea. Of course, there are two of us working for the same program so we each get housing privileges combined.

First, our bed. It is as hard as a padded rock. No really, it's hard yet strangely comfortable.

Secondly, our bathroom. There is a separate shower! God has blessed us indeed! You see, usually the small apts will have a shower hook up connected to the sink. So you are really just showering over the sink and everything drains through a drain in the middle of the bathroom floor. Oh, but we have a separate shower! Yes!

Lots of storage. And notice the washing machine (that destroys your clothes!)

Walk-in closet! Booyah!

The front entrance has a motion light (they are big into those things here). It is annoying, though, when you want to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without turning on lights (lights wake me up too much). Sometimes I try to stick to the wall as close as I can, but the motion light sees me every time.

Our Kitchen is nice. The former tenant was an artist and left a rather nice floral design on the door of the fridge. The left over toaster oven contains so many colorful burny things in it that I consider it a piece of art as well.

And look! A TV with only one English channel: AFN (Armed Forces Network)
The door to the left is our bedroom and the hallway to the farther left leads to the bathroom.

Please leave your shoes at the front door! But it is good because the floors are heated (ondol is the name for this Korean invention - originally heated by a fire under the floor boards).


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